Biggest question, are they all marine speakers or not? Don't want it to start raining while your on a cruise ,and everything just blow all of a sudden.
this test can show you roughly how loud it might be, but for quality purposes its terrible because of all the wave cancellation from running the mids outside of an enclosure
hug to paps
Obviously it never made it on a motorcycle.
Components plz
Cool but how can this fit to a motorcycle ubox?
How much that set of sound
Where are you located ?
gigi dagostinoooooo grandeee
how are u going to hook that up to a motorcycle
Joe G check out my cbr with a custom 600 watt system
nerde satıyorlar bunu
And that means what ????
He just asked where it is sold at.
this bike is... just wow! great job bro!
cross over
Pita ang ingay
Wow ...sounds great!
were can i get thes set up
Yeah install it
what!!!!??? come on man how do they look installed????
what Hertz are these? and what size amp is pushing all these?
couldnt find it any other ideas if you dont mind
Music name : Brisby & Jingles - L´Amour Toujours
im new to this, and thinking of doing a similar setup. but is the subwoofer connected to the 2-way crossovers? or is it connected directly to the amp?
this is horrible i would spit a loogie on that if i passed it on the street
@Thebeckham22 the name of the song is: Gigi D' Agostin I'll Fly With You
name of the song???
faz uma caixa fika show de bola
awesome this bike is fucking good :D
whats the song?? haha
best for xrm
did you order the speakers or did you have it custom like that?
great music!
how did you fit this on a motorcycle
ill be ravin on the streets :D!!!!!!!!!
awesome bike
what happens when it rains?
@dethrider1000 I'll fly with you - Gigi D'Agostino
What's the setup?=)
what this song?
Biggest question, are they all marine speakers or not? Don't want it to start raining while your on a cruise ,and everything just blow all of a sudden.
chit this belong in a Movie, Bike Art
how much for the system? and what are the specs?
@madpitbull77 How can I lean more about this system
i have a shark at this time and i would like to add more speakers to the system where can i get those speaker connections from (38) in the video
i got that same hertz esk 165l set it is prety shit :<. Bur i like sound off herz elements.
@madpitbull77 so i guess "other materials" means ur not willing to tell me what you used?
Bro please enlighten me.. what did you use to mold? this is godlike..
looks like a living room sound system....
this test can show you roughly how loud it might be, but for quality purposes its terrible because of all the wave cancellation from running the mids outside of an enclosure